NiiPro Shop will have all orders shipped as quickly as possible, usually within 1- 3  business days of receipt of payment. However this may vary depending on special times and national holidays. All orders will be shipped in the order they were received .

We do not work on holidays .

Orders will ship from WASHINGTON STATE, USA. Tracking number will be provided for your shipment. For standard shipping, packages take anywhere from 3 - 5 business days to its destination. Weekends are not included.

To prevent stolen, please keep tracking your package delivery through a tracking number provided by our system, and available to receive your package. We are not responsible for lost packages. (Thank you for understanding).

Please make sure you enter complete correct shipping address at checkout section. Our shipping system will use shipping address client enter when check out to print shipping label so if the shipping address incorrect the package will be lost or returned, so client have pay for extra shipping cost for the lost or returned package to be shipped back.

International shipping policy

Customs, Duties and Taxes 
We are not responsible for any customs and taxes applied to your order. All fees during or after shipping are the responsibility of the customer.

All of our Prices are listed in US DOLLARS

Actual colors may slightly very from the photos on this website.

Thank You!